Kate Tunstall - Covid Quilt Project
A project to make a COVID quilt, that is, a quilt that will reflect personal responses to the pandemic over the last year. Although this is a national project, we will have a quilt produced in Denby Dale and I have included the sections of the quilt that have been made by various people in the community to create this meaningful textile art quilt.
Kate Tunstall - Covid Quilt Project
The project was open to all and we had people as young as 2 taking part!
A national project set up by: 999 Call for the NHS, a grassroots NHS campaign not affiliated to any of the political parties and run by volunteers passionate about the NHS.
Lots of different techniques have been used and they pieces really capture the experience of lockdown and livng through a global pandemic.
The pieces will be stitched int a large quilt in the Spring 2021 and we will be looking for opportunities to display the final quilts.