Rita Collins
I first learnt to weave at S2R in Huddersfield and eventually bought my own loom. My first solo project was my Covid19 tapestry, at the beginning of the first lockdown. I was inspired by a visit to the lakes which ended abruptly with the first lockdown. This was meant to be our first holiday since my mum passed away and a chance to focus on the future. Then tapestry is a depiction of my own personal journey.
Rita Collins
The weather was beautiful as we arrived in the Lake District and everything was budding. Spring had definitely arrived, with daffodils, new shoots and lambs everywhere. Then the thunderclouds rolled in as we were told to Stay Home, Save Lives. There were rainbows and teddy bears in windows and clapping on Thursdays.
I used all my existing materials to complete this project and it made me feel more positive and optimistic that we would come through this together.
I started making masks for myself and my partner, using existing materials. As friends requested them, I bought more material. This really helped fill my days and made me feel useful in the dark winter days, as I was no longer employed.